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Wardon of Conspiracy

Writer's picture: Turan TurnipTuran Turnip

Hello, you beautiful Raga's! Sorry, it's been a while since I've posted anything new! I've been dealing with new medications and adjusting to the changes in my lifestyle because of them. But don't you fret! With those changes, I've actually been writing more! I am still practicing different writing techniques and seeing what works for me. Some have been fun while others have been frustrating.

On that note, I have decided to switch some things around a bit with both my website and posting schedule. I will return to posting once a week, but alternating between a shorter and longer story. One week may be a writing prompt or one shot and the other will be a longer or reoccurring story. I may also have several titles going at the same time. I have changed my main website to house all the lists of stories with links so you can go back to it and read any of the stories in order since it will be harder to navigate the blog posts alone. Not all of them have been edited to a link to the previous chapters which will take some time for me to add.

Until then, please enjoy this writing prompt story which I had a lot of fun writing!

- Turan



Writing prompt from the book, “5,000 Writing Prompts: A Master List of Plot Ideas, Creative Exercises, and More” by Bryn Donovan.

In a dystopian future, college admissions boards have access to video footage of students’ entire lives.

Watching the screen with her arms clasped behind her back, Desirae frowned. It was the fourth time in a row she was forced to watch the suppression and abuse of her star pupil. He held such high expectations to excel in not just college, but his future career. Desirae bit her lip, knowing that this was more than just abuse from students who were jealous of his excellence and attention. It was an experiment the government-held under the guise of protection and obedience.

Over 60 years ago, a law passed that any student who attended college was to be monitored heavily in order to cut down on accidental death rates caused by overdoses, alcohol poisoning, and occasional sexual abuse. The law proved to be successful, forcing more strict rules for such monetization. Tracking bands were soon implicated, followed by cameras in every area. Several petitions had fought the fast-moving expansion of privacy invasion, yet the results of its success pushed for more control. Students who graduated under these restrictions excelled in modern society, accelerating the digital era. Within 20 years, the system had worked its way back into every grade and school; if the effects could be implicated at a younger age, how much more could we improve the world?

At least that was what they told everyone, although Desirae knew better. As she watched her pupil defend himself against the aggressive opposers, she knew exactly what consequences would be delved out; any by her hand as well. Sighing heavily, she leaned over the console, adjusting the cameras, glancing at the receptionist who was watching the sector. “How long ago did this begin?”

“About 10 minutes ago, Ma’am.”

“Good. Please log this in each of their academic records. Each of them will receive points accordingly. If I am not mistaken, one of them will be dropping their current classes and moving into special force training. Let’s see how well he fairs being the small fry of the class.”

The receptionist nodded, returning to her duties as Desirae continued to watch the camera. Secretly she prayed, “Don’t strike back, Mathers. Please don’t…”

She wanted nothing more than to rush down there and stop the fight from happening, knowing full well that this was part of the experiment. It was the same training she had received unknowingly when she was in college. The difference was she found out the truth, and the government saw it. Learning the truth behind the shadows of the college put her life in danger as they watched her every move, waiting for her to make one little mistake; to tell someone or to escape. She had done neither and was rewarded into the position she had now, the Dean. Still, she felt the eyes staring through her back as she watched Mathers. He had a chance to escape the dangers where she could not.

Only able to watch, she wished she could do more to help. He didn’t deserve this torture and the only way it would stop is when he reached the top. Thankfully he only had one more year to endure. Desirae could only encourage him from the sidelines.

From the screen, she saw Mathers keep his head down, unspoken while the others around him swore and yelled. Physical violence was untolerated but it didn’t stop verbally taunting until someone snapped. Mathers breath was fast, his fists clenched tightly until they were white. He was close to losing his temper when suddenly the bell rang. The yelling had stopped and the boys ganged up on Mathers turned white. The bell was bad news for them.

“Ah. I see the security has finally noticed. Excellent.”

Desirae stood up, folding her hands behind her back once more with a smirk, one she knew she shouldn’t have so publicly. It was no secret to anyone her adoration for Mathers and that she favored him the most. It was still seen as unacceptable, although Desirae didn’t care. Mathers succeeded this time, the uppers could suck it. Turning from the screen, Desirae spoke to the receptionist as she walked away.

“Inform the chair about this encounter. They will be thrilled to hear the news of his victory.”

Her voice was laced with sarcasm. She knew the chair would not. All they wanted was to see the results of their hidden agenda and experiments. This was just one of them. Leaving the room, she turned down the hall and kept a steady pace. The sound of her heels echoed off the walls, loud and confident as she continued down a series of halls. All students had been in class or in their dorms leaving the halls open for her to strut. Only when she arrived at an open courtyard did she stop and wait. Her back to the opening as she stared at the tree in the circle of the enclosure. It towered over the building, giving shade to the blazing heat. With a smile, she stared at the light that peeked through the leaves.

“Causing trouble for the uppers again, Mathers?”

Looking down from the sky to her left, she knew he was taking refuge on a bench. It was a habit of his to come and calm down, one she was very familiar with. He shuffled in his seat, embarrassed.

“You saw it, didn’t you?”

“Of course. I am charged to make sure your every move is monitored. Including the boys who were cornering you.”

The boy smiled meekly. “Every time it occurs?”

Desirae couldn’t help but scoff, turning to face him. He looked so young. Too young to be a pawn for the government's corrupted games.

“Maybe I am just a little more invested than required. How are your studies going?”

“You know the answer. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here to cheer me up.”

“Is it that obvious?”

He looked up at her with a cheeky grin. “You are always obvious, Professor.”

“Ah well, can’t always be careful. Care to join me this evening for tea and chess? I know it helps the nerves. Besides, I have been practicing so I might score the chance of beating you this time.” Mathers smiled brightly. It warmed her heart that she could offer him a small glimmer of hope from the darkness within the halls.

“I’ll be there at 8.”

“Excellent. I will send you the pass required to head to my office. Can’t have them look for an excuse to dock you points.”

Desirae nodded, taking her leave towards the halls once more when Mathers stopped her just at the edge of the grass.


She paused, waiting for his response.

“Do they watch us in your office as well?” Desirae’s smile diminished as she stared at the wall in his response. Looking at the small black hole, she glared at the camera knowingly. Unable to tell him anything, she could only reply with the knowledge he already knew.

“They will always watch you as long as you're in these halls.”

The rest of the words she wanted to say only stayed within her mind. They will never stop watching you. With that, she continued her pace. We will never be left alone.


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