Hello Ragas!
It's been a while since I've done a formal update about what's going on. But first, a huge thank you to everyone who has been supporting my work. It's been a bit of a roller coaster this year and I am so happy to see the growth of this little patch. Without your support, it would still be a small blog with no readers! So again, thank you for the comments, feedback, and overall community we are starting to build.
On that note, the main reason I am giving this update is that come September, I will be a full-time university student. I won't have a lot of time to post 4 times a week, so I will only be posting every two weeks. I decided to just stick to the series so at least you will get to enjoy the last few chapters of Whispering Death and get a good start into Codexing Against Blood before the new year.
I am not sure how 2023's scheduling with go since I need to write more prompts, shorts, and possible writing challenges before I can get anything written in stone. (haha see what I did there?) So for the time being, this will be the rotation.
Since I still need some form of creative outlet, I will be drawing more current story characters and adding them to the Turnip Patch. I've been working really hard on getting content there so that I can launch the members-only portion of the site. I've also been hard at work designing a new look and plan to change it around a bit. If you aren't already a member there, check it out and join the Raga-Squad! Once the new portion of the site is completed, there you can read all the NSFW content that I won't be posting anywhere else, including art. It's also absolutely free!
Well, that's all for now. Thank you for all the love and I will see you all again soon!
Turan Turnip.