Hey Raga-rootlings!
I hope you all had a great holiday and that Santa treated you well! It was a pretty quiet holiday for me and the wife as we spent time with each other since Covid restrictions were tight. I had taken the week off from writing, and with the coming of the new year, I am going to pick it back up with vengeance! My creative bug has been biting hard as I’ve had story ideas swelling, bursting at the seams for me to write! I am pretty excited about it and have already been working and creating some storyboards.
I am also pretty excited as I have waiting for January 1st, the release of Beauty and the Nerd! It will be the first ongoing story I will have to start sharing and lining up a few more stories as the year goes on. For now, I hope you all enjoy finally being able to read about Colby and Yuru. I know I have talked so much about it and will refrain from ranting about it further. I also have a subscription contest going that if you click on the subscribe from the Wix website, you can enter into a draw to win your own Turnip version of yourself! It will be featured on the main page of the website with your name on it! There will be other changes to enter in if you don’t win in the future, so stay tuned for more in the future. I will also state that subscribing costs nothing. It is just so that you can get emails for posts and new content.
There is also a member’s area which the Turnip Team is currently working on as well. It isn’t much right now, but we are working hard to get it ready for future use. Any ideas or suggestions are always welcomed!
In some other news, I will also be streaming on twitch some good ol’ classic retro games such as Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This is a game that has a deep love in my soul. When I was a kid, we used to watch my brother play and spent hours running around and completing all the temples. This was before there were any guides or youtube videos, so all the hard work was righteously earned. Nowadays, it is so easy to complete and I have probably clocked months into this game since it never loses its luster to me. Unfortunately, the N64 does not stream well so I will be playing it on an Emulator if anyone wants to watch and enjoy the nostalgia. You can join the Discord we have set up to stay posted when we will be streaming it. Since writing can take some time and is a slow-growing process, I figured twitch streaming events would be a great way to build a community.
Well, that’s all I have for today folks! I know this was a bit of a short post since most of my focus is drawn to continue to work on the new story I’ve been writing. Once I make some pretty good headway, I will be writing some bios or short introductions of all the stories I have written so that people can take a look and check out the upcoming chapters. For being only a month or so into this blog, I am pretty excited about the new year and what I will be sharing. So thanks for sticking around and taking a read. If I don’t manage to post an update before the end of December, Happy New Year and I look forward to starting the New Year with you all!
Stay safe and see you all next time!
Turan Turnip.